Ramayan Auto Financial Private Limited (RAFL), true to the meaning of its name (‘Aspiration'
or Wish’), bridges the gap between people's aspirations, wishes, and reality. A Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) registered category "B° Non-Banking Finance Company - Asset Finance
Company (NBFC-AFC) with rural and semi-rural financing at the center of its business model,
Ramayan provides affordable financing with simple, no-hassle loan products. RAFL and its
sister concerns offer two major financial services: Two-wheeler and three-wheeler finance
and group-based Microfinance, offered by Ramayan Auto Allied Services (RAAS) - a wholly-
owned subsidiary of RAFL.
By enabling affordable personal mobility via two-wheeler and three-wheeler financing,
RAFL promises a better life to the lower middle-class and emerging middle-class, and helps.
families move up the economic ladder. By offering small ticket income generating loans to
bottom of pyramid customers, it offers poor household to increase their income and
drastically enhance theirlivelinood.
With overa decade of lending experience in Western Uttar Pradesh, serving areas and clients,
where it is not possible for the banks to provide financial services under the current market
scenario. This distinctive characteristic of the last mile credit delivery system separates RAFL
froma bank and/or other NBFCs.